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Show Your Staff Some Love 

  This Love Month, we want to share a few ideas for showing your staff some technology and workspace love in 2022.   All great relationships have a foundation of great communication. It’s no secret, we’re a fan of giving your staff the gift of Microsoft Teams. Collaboration tools such as online meetings, screen sharing, Continue Reading


Technology End-of-Life Guide, 2022

  Software, Firmware, Hardware. Technology end-of-life is an important aspect of your network and should be managed closely. If software or hardware is in its final stages of existence, or has already expired, it needs to be replaced. Once it reaches end-of-life, the manufacturers of the software/hardware will no longer offer any type of support, Continue Reading

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

When the pandemic forced the BTS team to quickly transition to working from home, we knew that we needed a communication process that would allow us to keep our in-office efficiencies and productivity. We had been using Microsoft Teams for a while and found that in a work-from-home environment, it allowed us to make that Continue Reading

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Technology End-of-Life Guide 2020-2021

Software, Firmware, Hardware End-of-Life Technology end-of-life is an important aspect of your network and should be managed closely. If software or hardware is in its final stages of existence, or has already expired, it needs to be replaced. Once it reaches end-of-life, the manufacturers of the software/hardware will no longer offer any type of support, Continue Reading

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Burgess Technology Services Celebrates 35 years

BATH  – Burgess Technology Services is celebrating 35 years as a regional leader in the IT industry. When it opened with one employee on Middle Street in Bath in 1985, New Coke was a thing, the first Blockbuster Video had just opened, the first dot com was registered, and the World Wide Web was still 6 years off. Begun as a computer sales and service company, Burgess has diversified as technology Continue Reading


Benefits of Microsoft SharePoint

Benefits of Microsoft SharePoint Having a website today for your organization or business is a must. An effective website contains relevant information about products, services, location, and pertinent contact information. Over the years, we have found that once business owners have a website, they often start to wonder if they can use that website to Continue Reading


Cindy Gabelmann Retires

On July 1, a major milestone will be reached for Burgess Technology Services of Bath and one of their valued team members. Cindy Gabelmann will become the first employee to retire from the 35-year-old organization after nearly 22 years. Her life, the company and technology have all changed quite dramatically in those years. We were Continue Reading

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Using Technology to Disconnect

If these last two months have left you ready to leave your Microsoft Teams for good or feeling Zoom-fatigued– you’re not alone. For most of us, no matter what age, social distancing has increased our screen-time drastically. While screen-time and technology are not inherently bad, too much of it can leave us feeling less than Continue Reading


Work From Home and Microsoft Office 365

As so many businesses transition their employees to “WFH” (work from home) status, we thought it would be timely to ask a couple of our technology professionals to share thoughts on what we consider to be the best tool for remote working with efficiency and collaboration.   Network Engineer Ben Weston offered the following. “Microsoft Office Continue Reading